What is the Cité de la Solidarité Internationale - CSI?

The Cité de la Solidarité Internationale is a support structure for the development of international solidarity actors on a Franco-Swiss cross-border scale. The CSI is also a place of resources to inform and help the actors to build their projects of International Solidarity.


In order to provide solutions adapted to the current needs of the actors, the CSI has developed three innovative projects that meet their needs:


COEXIST - Promoting NGO-business partnerships by creating favourable conditions for their mutual knowledge and the complementarity of their expertise and skills.

COGIT - Equipping the international solidarity professionals of today and tomorrow and encouraging their adaptation to the changes in their sector of activity.

COHABIT - Facilitating a cross-border reception and meeting place open to all actors of international solidarity and supporting local project leaders.


For more information, please visit the website.

What is COEXIST?

The COEXIST incubator aims at facilitating co-construction partnerships where the pooling of expertise of the actors allows the emergence of global, sustainable, inclusive multi-actor solutions that are best adapted to the field.


The incubator has developed tools to support actors who wish to initiate these partnership dynamics. COEXIST is also a community of practice, which includes NGOs, companies, competitiveness clusters, local authorities, NGO and company networks. This community of actors shares the same principles and is united around common values.

What is an NGO-Business partnership?

NGO-corporate partnerships fit perfectly into SDG 17 "Partnerships for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals". Collaboration between an NGO and a company is above all collaboration between two organisations with different but complementary skills and expertise.


NGOs and companies work together to find the most appropriate responses to the field and to the evolution of the environment. It is a way for them to build together innovative solutions to current issues and challenges.

Why engage in an NGO-company partnership?

NGO-Company partnerships are tools for the international development of NGOs and companies. The pooling of skills between the NGO and the company makes it possible to develop global, sustainable and inclusive multi-actor solutions that are best suited to the field.

How to get involved in the COEXIST community?

The COEXIST community is a community of practice. Actors can play two complementary roles:


  • Being a contributor: Each actor can contribute to the incubator according to their possibilities and expertise. You can contribute by sharing content, providing testimonials, promoting your projects, and suggesting events and ideas.
  • Being supported: COEXIST has developed collective tools and an individual support programme to help you develop your NGO-company partnerships so that they become real levers for your development projects.


In the COEXIST incubator, the members of the community commit themselves to common values and principles, defined in a charter. You can find the charter HERE.


We also invite you to formalise your commitment by completing a letter of support.