Terms of use

1. presentation of the site

Owner: Annemasse les Voirons Agglomération
VAT number : FR24200011773
11 avenue Emile Zola - BP 225 - 74105 ANNEMASSE CEDEX

Responsible for publication: Partnership & Innovation Officer of the Cité de la Solidarité Internationale

Webmaster: Communication Officer of the Cité de la Solidarité Internationale

Designer : UX, Design and Technical Development Agency Gardeners

Host : SAS OVH - https://soyoustart.com
2 rue Kellermann BP 80157 59100 Roubaix - Tel: 09 72 10 01 11

Photos: Fotolia, www.flaticon.com

Data Protection Officer: protection_des_donnees@annemasse-agglo.fr

You can contact the DPO by post:
Annemasse Agglo
Data Protection Officer (DPO)
11 avenue Emile Zola


2 General conditions of use of the site and the services offered

The site constitutes an intellectual work protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code and applicable international regulations. It is forbidden to reuse, transfer or exploit for one's own account all or part of the elements of the site, outside the rules set out in the COEXIST incubator charter.

The use of the coexist.cite-solidarite.fr website implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time. Users of the coexist.cite-solidarite.fr website are therefore invited to consult them regularly.

This site is accessible to users at all times. However, Annemasse Agglo or the Cité de la Solidarité Internationale may decide to interrupt the site for technical maintenance purposes.

The coexist.cite-solidarite.fr website is updated regularly. The legal notices may be modified at any time: they are nevertheless binding on the user, who is invited to refer to them as often as possible in order to take note of them.


3. content

The website coexist.cite-solidarite.fr presents the activities of the COEXIST incubator managed by the Cité de la Solidarité Internationale (CSI) in Annemasse. The COEXIST incubator promotes the development of partnerships between NGOs and companies in order to co-construct global, innovative and sustainable solutions adapted to the needs of the field. The coexist.cite-solidarite.fr website allows virtual links between organisations wishing to develop operational partnerships. This site also centralises a set of documentary resources and event information related to the development of international solidarity projects. The CSI and Annemasse Agglo endeavour to provide information on the site that is as accurate as possible. The partners and members of the COEXIST community may produce content. Each content is read and checked by the CSI team before publication on the site. Thus, the ISC reserves the right to review the proposed content. In a spirit of collective intelligence, there are no preconceived ideas about the proposed contents. The ISC receives the publication proposals considering them as being in good faith.

However, Annemasse Agglo and the CSI cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies, shortcomings in updating, or the nature and/or content of the content (including plagiarised content), whether it is its fault or that of the third party partners who provide the information and/or resources.

All information on the coexist.cite-solidarite.fr website is given as an indication and/or for information purposes only. It is likely to change. Furthermore, the information on the coexist.cite-solidarite.fr website is not exhaustive. It is given subject to modifications having been made since it was put online.


4. contractual limitations on technical data

The coexist.cite-solidarite.fr website cannot be held responsible for any material damage linked to its use.

The coexist.cite-solidarite.fr website is hosted by a service provider in the European Union. The host ensures the continuity of its service 24 hours a day, every day of the year. However, it reserves the right to interrupt the hosting service for the shortest possible period of time, in particular for maintenance purposes, to improve its infrastructure, in the event of a failure of its infrastructure or if the site traffic is abnormal.

coexist.cite-solidarite.fr and the host cannot be held responsible in the event of malfunctioning of the Internet network, telephone lines or computer and telephone equipment, particularly in the event of network congestion preventing access to the server.


5 Intellectual property and counterfeiting

Annemasse Agglo is the owner of the intellectual property rights and holds the rights of use on all the elements accessible on the site, in particular the texts, images, graphics, logos, videos, icons and sounds.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is forbidden, except with the prior written authorisation of Annemasse Agglo or the Cité de la Solidarité Internationale team acting on its behalf.

Any unauthorised use of the site or the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


6. limitations of liability

coexist.cite-solidarite.fr acts as the publisher of the site and is responsible for the quality and accuracy of the content it publishes.

coexist.cite-solidarite.fr cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused to the user's equipment when accessing the site.