Call for projects - Multi-actor international solidarity actions by the Brittany Region

The Brittany Region wishes to support changes in the international solidarity sector, by encouraging the emergence of projects :

  • Multi-player
  • Innovative, encouraging the development of new practices
  • Involving new players (companies, training establishments, etc.)



  • Support collaborative projects that contribute to the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • Support and encourage the emergence of new initiatives. It is not intended to support recurring events;
  • Encourage the emergence of new coalitions of players to promote innovative solutions tailored to local needs. Companies, in particular, can work alongside other players (associations, local authorities) to promote local development through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development initiatives.



  • Breton players: associations, educational or training establishments, healthcare establishments, players in the social economy, companies with a CSR approach, local authorities (excluding départements and metropolises) involved in a multi-stakeholder partnership.
  • The project leader must be based in Brittany and have been in existence for two years. The consortium will be made up of several Breton players and one or more foreign partners (local authorities and associations, excluding foreign companies) from the country or countries involved.



Projects may concern any country with a low or medium HDI, with the exception of countries for which France has suspended its development aid (Mali, Burkina-Faso and Niger).



  • The minimum grant is €1,500, with a maximum of €15,000.
  • It may not exceed 50% of the total cost of the project.
  • The financing plan must include a minimum of 10% self-financing of the overall project budget (own resources).



  • Submit your application before September 1, 2024.
  • Look for a partner now to be able to submit a project!


Official documents, further information and application forms: B-Monde Solidarité - Multi-stakeholder projects - Région Bretagne