FID (Innovation Fund for Development)

The IDF aims to support innovation in the fight against poverty and inequality.

It enables teams from all types of organizations - research institutions, NGOs, governments, and businesses - to test new ideas, experiment, and demonstrate what works based on proven scientific evaluation approaches, with a view to scaling up the most efficient solutions that have the greatest potential for positive and sustainable impact. The IDF offers flexible funding via structuring grant levels for emerging or growing innovations.




The FID deploys different stages of financing, depending on the level of maturity of the innovation

  • Stage 0: Preparation grants (up to €50,000)
  • Stage 1: Pilot grants (up to 200,000 euros)
  • Stage 2: Test grants and preparation for scaling up (up to €1,500,000)
  • Stage 3: Scale-up grants (up to €4,000,000)
    Policy Transformation Grants (up to €500,000)



  • Any type of entity, carrying out an initiative on its own or in partnership with other organizations, including but not limited to: public sector/government entities, private for-profit companies, non-profit and non-governmental organizations, higher education institutions.
  • Only individual applicants, independent of any structure, as well as international and multilateral public institutions are ineligible for the IDF.
  •  FID welcomes applications for funding from innovative and research teams of all nationalities and living in all geographical areas, but particularly encourages applications from organizations based in low- and middle-income countries, led by and employing a significant proportion of people from these countries, people identifying themselves as women, and profiles from under-represented minorities.



  • The FID call for projects is open all year round, so there's no deadline for submitting your application.