Founded in 1990, Hydraulique Sans Frontières (HSF) is an international non-profit organization specializing in water and sanitation. Through the construction of drinking water supply systems and latrines, it contributes to a significant improvement in the living conditions of local populations. HSF also runs technical training courses in France and abroad, and is involved in education for development and international solidarity.
                                                    Getting in touch

What we can contribute

Product, service or intervention proposed


Skills and expertise offered

  • Technical training
  • Study/Technical analysis
  • Dimensioning/technical design
  • Operation of equipment/machinery, production
  • Maintenance/rehabilitation of equipment/machinery
  • Field study/analysis (analysis of local needs and uses, market study, socio-cultural analysis)
  • Impact assessment
  • Project coordination
  • CSR approach (relationship with stakeholders, optimisation of resources, environmental regulations, etc.)
Water - EHA
Intervention theme
  • Water - EHA
  • Sanitation
Area of intervention
  • Benin
  • Burkina Faso
  • Madagascar
  • Senegal
  • Bolivia, Togo

Contributions we can make to our partner

  • knowledge of the field and of actors in the field of drinking water and sanitation, particularly in Togo and Madagascar
  • technical skills in hydraulic and social engineering
  • management of development projects
  • training in hydraulic maintenance and international cooperation

What we are looking for

Product, service or intervention sought

  • Providing technical expertise on HSF's areas of intervention, either under development or to be strengthened: sanitation, waste, environmental conservation
  • One-off supply of hydraulic equipment
  • Exchange of experiences in certain intervention areas in relation to access to drinking water and the management/maintenance of water and sanitation facilities, or even co-construction of projects
  • Financial sponsorship / image compensation

Skills and expertise required

  • Study/Technical analysis
  • Technical training
  • Search for funding
  • Research and Technical Development
  • Networking (networking, integration into the local ecosystem)
Water - EHA
Intervention theme
  • Water - EHA
  • Environment
  • Waste, sanitation
Area of intervention
  • Burkina Faso
  • Benin
  • Madagascar
  • Senegal
  • Other (please specify)
  • Togo, Bolivia
Type of partnership sought
  • Co-construction
  • Sponsorship

Our expectations/interest in creating a partnership

  • Providing technical expertise on HSF's areas of intervention, either under development or to be strengthened: sanitation, waste, environmental conservation
  • One-off supply of hydraulic equipment
  • Exchange of experiences in certain intervention areas in relation to access to drinking water and the management/maintenance of water and sanitation facilities, or even co-construction of projects
  • Financial sponsorship / image compensation

Contributions we are looking for from the future partner

  • Additional skills/expertise
  • Means/opportunities Financial


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Hydraulics Without Borders

14 rue Louis de Vignet
73000 Chambéry