Village Exchange France supports its partner organisation in rural Ghana (Village Exchange Ghana-VEG) in the implementation of development projects aimed at providing training to women in technical trades, particularly in electricity and renewable energy.
VEG has a training institute (Lady Volta Green Tech Academy) with two laboratories, an electricity laboratory (partnership with Schneider Electric) and a laboratory for teaching renewable energy in collaboration with the Swiss NGO (Architectes et Ingénieurs solidaires-IAS).
VEG also provides solar power to small rural communities not connected to the electricity grid. This activity allows for the development of renewable energy in the region while allowing young people to put their knowledge into practice under the supervision of their teachers.
                                                    Getting in touch

What we can contribute

Product, service or intervention proposed

Well-trained, serious and experienced team capable of taking charge of the equipment and ensuring its maintenance.

Skills and expertise offered

  • Technical training
  • Communication
  • Dimensioning/technical design
  • Study/Technical analysis
  • Operation of equipment/machinery, production
  • Field study/analysis (analysis of local needs and uses, market study, socio-cultural analysis)
Intervention theme
  • Education
  • Presence and skills in the field; maintenance of equipment guaranteed
Area of intervention
  • Other (please specify)

Contributions we can make to our partner

In-depth project preparation (in-depth socio-economic survey in rural communities)

Participation in the project (teachers, local staff, students of the institute

Involvement and training of beneficiaries (in English and Ewe, the local language), training in preventive maintenance

Specialists capable of carrying out repair maintenance

Ensuring the viability of the project

Search for enlargement purposes

What we are looking for

Product, service or intervention sought

Collaboration with the provision of equipment for solar electrification of unserved communities, but also of clinics in order to guarantee the cold chain (electricity cuts are very frequent) or schools (to make up for the lack of funds to pay for electricity).

Development of water purification. Even when the water supply system exists, the quality of the water is unreliable and communities consume sachets of water, resulting in high levels of plastic pollution.

On this project, no precise study has been carried out, while a very detailed study on the specific needs of the populations is underway. It should be completed by the end of the year.

Skills and expertise required

  • Installation of equipment/machinery
  • Search for funding
Intervention theme
  • Energy
Area of intervention
  • Other (please specify)
  • water supply
Type of partnership sought
  • Sponsorship

Our expectations/interest in creating a partnership

Developing renewable energy in rural Ghana while enhancing the skills of young people, with a focus on women.

Providing solutions tailored to each family or small business.

Does the family only need lamps or do they have one or more mobile phones? Is it a small business? What are the needs for it to grow?

After thorough investigation, different partnerships need to be established to meet such diverse needs.

Contributions we are looking for from the future partner

  • Material Resources
  • Means/opportunities Financial
  • Additional skills/expertise


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Village Exchange France