SOS Children's Villages project

Project completed

The background to the project with SOS Children's Villages in Niger is as follows: young children have little digital literacy and are ill-equipped to meet the challenges of later life. At the same time, teachers have few structured tools for effectively assessing pupils, sharing results and giving feedback.

We supplied 2 DataCups to schools to make educational resources easily accessible.

Digital learning workshops are organized without the need for an Internet connection: school workstations connect to DataCups, giving access to over 3,000 digital resources representing 70GB of data. They provide a controlled, secure environment for children's learning.

Every week, 25 different students can develop their computer skills. DataCups also make it easier to collect assessment results and share them between students, parents and teachers.

The provision of an e-learning platform gives local educational teams the autonomy to transfer their content locally via our management platform. Local teams can easily share the new digital content they create for educational purposes.

This project embodies the values of the sustainable development objective "Quality Education".

Intervention theme
  • Education
Area of intervention
  • Niger
Type of partnership
  • Service/Customer
  • Co-construction