Private Sector Engagement – from Aspirations to Reality
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Helvetas Symposium 2022 – Hybrid Event
Through partnerships with large companies, development organisations and donors hope to achieve impact and reach with their operations, as well as sustainability and innovation. This will be key for achieving the SDGs. At the same time, such collaborations carry risks, since goals and values of the unlike partners differ. What does it take to reach benefits for the poor and the companies, based on a sustainable use of natural resources? And how can mutual understanding be fostered and pitfalls be avoided?
14:30 Start Helvetas Symposium “Private Sector Engagement – from Aspirations to Reality”
14:45 Introductionary talk between two experts
15:00 Social E-Game « Rice for People and Planet »
15:45 Interview with Rohan Grover from Nature Bio Food India, a rice processing company
16:00 Break
16:15 Panel discussion with international experts, moderated by Zenebe Uraguchi, Programme Manager, East Europe, South Caucuses & Western Balkans; Senior Advisor, Sustainable & Inclusive Economies at Helvetas
17:05 Reflection by Martin Saladin, Head of Operations State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
17:15 Wrap up by Melchior Lengsfeld, Executive Director Helvetas
17:25 Closing by Arnold Kawuba, Host
17:35 Happy Hour with physically present participants
20:00 End
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