Since its creation in 1981, the Partnership has been developing a human-scale cooperation that takes into account the transversal aspect of actions and the sustainable development of territories. The association benefits from significant expertise in its areas of intervention, a very good institutional and technical presence and numerous contacts established over several years.
Our intervention logic advocates consultation with local actors and the establishment of a partnership relationship to meet the needs expressed by the populations. Our participatory approach allows for a relationship of equality, while respecting the dignity of all.
The Partnership is part of a sustainable development logic whose objective is to satisfy the expectations expressed by the beneficiaries through the implementation of sustainable solutions that respect the natural and social environment.

The objective of the association is to participate in the improvement of the living conditions of the most vulnerable populations. The Partnership develops projects in Senegal, Morocco and Guinea on the following themes
- Access to essential services: Access to water and nutritional reinforcement.
o Example: The School Water Access Program (PAEMS) aims to improve the school environment through better access to drinking water, sanitation systems, and empowerment of different levels of local actors (decentralized services, regional agencies, local authorities, municipalities, CSOs).

- Sustainable development and the environment: Access to renewable energy (solar, biogas, bio-coal...), waste management, mangrove protection.
o Example: The Renewable Energy Access Program (PAER) continues to develop decentralized renewable energy platforms for civil society and economic operators in the regions of Saint-Louis and Matam (Senegal), based on a better structuring of supply and demand, and a greater empowerment of local actors.

- Local governance and support for decentralized cooperation actions: the Partnership's intervention logic is based on strengthening local and territorial governance, in particular by strengthening civil society actors, local authorities and decentralized technical agencies. Governance, which is more inclusive and participatory, also benefits from the creation of tools for a better understanding of the needs of the territories.
o Example: As a historical operator of decentralized cooperation initiatives, the association continues to promote synergies between French and African local authorities, particularly in the framework of actions between the urban commune of Labé (Guinea) and Sicoval (southeast of Toulouse).

- Employability and professional insertion
o Example: Since 2017, we have been working in Saint-Louis with the insertion and training center called Diapalanté. The center specializes in professional insertion and training, of young people in vulnerable situations, in sustainable and promising jobs. The pedagogical and support methods used aim at a personal and professional integration in the long term.

In parallel to its international cooperation activities, the Partnership undertakes in France and in Europe actions of education to citizenship and international solidarity. The Gaïa Center, based at the association's headquarters in Lille, has been welcoming the public since 2008 in life-size immersion workshops allowing different audiences to actively understand the challenges of sustainable development and climate emergency
                                                    Getting in touch

What we can contribute

Product, service or intervention proposed

The Partnership can develop cooperation in several of its areas of intervention, including

  • Access to community water and sanitation: solar pumping, water filtration, sanitation solutions
  • Renewable energies: solar platforms, access to individual energy solutions, biogas/biochar, dissemination of sustainable energy solutions

Within the framework of these interventions, the cooperation can relate to the use of a precise technological solution or to its marketing within the framework of the various projects carried out by the association.

Skills and expertise offered

  • Study/Technical analysis
  • Operation of equipment/machinery, production
  • Distribution
  • Logistics
  • Marketing/Marketing
  • Field study/analysis (analysis of local needs and uses, market study, socio-cultural analysis)
  • Networking (networking, integration into the local ecosystem)
  • CSR approach (relationship with stakeholders, optimisation of resources, environmental regulations, etc.)
  • Search for funding
  • Project coordination
  • Impact assessment
Water - EHA
Intervention theme
  • Water - EHA
  • Energy
  • Agri-agro
  • Health
  • Environment
  • Education
  • Governance
Area of intervention
  • Senegal
  • Guinea

Contributions we can make to our partner

The Partnership can support its partners on :

  • The realization of field studies;
  • Networking with local partners;
  • The distribution of innovative technological solutions through its network of entrepreneurs and local actors;
  • Support for the training of local personnel;
  • Experimentation of equipment in real conditions (monitoring-evaluation, beneficiary feedback, etc.);
  • Project engineering (coordination, search for funding)

What we are looking for

Product, service or intervention sought

We are looking for sustainable partnerships to consolidate our interventions in the areas of access to water, renewable energy and waste management, in particular:

  • Solar pumping solutions;
  • Potabilization solutions ;
  • Energy solutions (panels, batteries, individual solar lighting)
  • Technical skills: diagnosis and sizing, monitoring and evaluation, maintenance.

Also, we can solicit actors for the accompaniment and strengthening of local entrepreneurship (support for the design of business plans).

Skills and expertise required

  • Study/Technical analysis
  • Dimensioning/technical design
  • Installation of equipment/machinery
  • Manufacture of equipment/machinery
  • Business model
  • Search for funding
  • Impact assessment
Water - EHA
Intervention theme
  • Water - EHA
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Education
  • Waste
Area of intervention
  • Senegal
  • Other (please specify)
  • Senegal: Regions of Saint-Louis and Matam, Guinea: Regions of Labé and Mamou
Type of partnership sought
  • Sponsorship
  • Service/Customer
  • Co-construction

Our expectations/interest in creating a partnership

The first step is to identify innovative technical solutions adapted to the needs and territories of intervention in order to guarantee the quality of our interventions.

The Partnership benefits from a solid and long-lasting experience of collaboration with economic actors (Lagazel, Oshun...) as well as with other NGOs present on its intervention territories (Ados, GRET, Gérès...).

The collaborations can thus allow the association's partners to better know a market, a territory, to confirm the quality and the good adaptation of a product, and to benefit from the territorial anchoring of the Partnership.

Contributions we are looking for from the future partner

  • Material Resources
  • Means/opportunities Financial
  • Additional skills/expertise


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The Partnership

71 rue Victor Renard
59000 Lille