Lianes coopération has been working for more than 20 years to bring together the different actors of international cooperation in their diversity. Thus, Lianes coopération identifies and networks the actors of its territory (communities, associations, companies, educational institutions...) involved in actions of cooperation, solidarity, citizenship and youth mobility abroad. Its team accompanies you in all the stages of your project. Our services are intended for all: individuals and legal entities.
                                                    Getting in touch

What we can contribute

What we are looking for


Ongoing projects


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Lines Cooperation

Offices in Lille
S/c MRES (Maison régionale de l'environnement et des solidarités)
5 rue Jules de Vicq - 59 000 LILLE
Tel: 06 77 78 69 48

Offices in Amiens
Espace Somme
6 rue des Hautes Cornes - 80 000 AMIENS
Tel: 07 84 63 01 49
59,000 Lille